Ep 216: Stop Deferring Your Life (a ONE THING conversation with Amy Harris)

Introducing a new series of the podcast called ONE THING where I host conversations with interesting people and ask the ONE THING they would tell you.

I'm kicking the series off with my friend Amy B. Harris. Amy has been a producer, writer, and show runner on some of the most iconic shows of our lifetime. Her credits include Sex and the City, Gossip Girl, The Comeback, The Carrie Diaries, The Wilds, and more. She's also a mom raising her daughter in Hollywood, which is how we met and became friends.

My conversation with Amy is packed with wisdom and insight, along with her behind-the-scenes perspective on helping to create entertainment that shifts the culture.

Follow Amy Harris on IG

MENTIONED in this episode:

Ep 200: What's the ONE thing you would tell?

Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth by Leo Tolstoy

The Devil's Candy by Julie Salamon


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