BONUS: 10 Ways To Support A Friend Going Through Crisis or Chronic Hardship

Since I write and talk about friendship so much, a frequent question comes up around supporting a friend when they are going through something difficult. I think the answer on this can vary, depending on the particular hardship, but my guest today is someone who knows what friends need when their difficult life circumstance is ongoing.

Jessica Patay is the founder of We Are Brave Together, a nonprofit organization that provides respite, community, and resources for mothers caring for children of any age with disabilities, unique needs, or other medical or mental health challenges. She is is passionate about serving caregiving moms and creating authentic communities, and brings 10 tips to the conversation that will help us better support our friends who are caregiving mothers, daughters, partners, and more.

Jessica has also created an anthology for caregiving moms sharing their stories titled Becoming Brave Together: Heroic, Extraordinary Caregiving Stories From Mothers Hidden in Plain Sight