Ep 226: Hollywood Horror Story

Ep 226: Hollywood Horror Story

This is a story about growing up feeling like an outsider and finding a book that made you feel less alone. And then growing up to create an adaptation of that book for the screen, in a dream project that took years to complete. This is a story about my friend Jill Killington and her work on the tv adaptation of Stephen King's THE STAND.

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Ep 224: Best Books of the Year (So Far) with Yasmin Dunn and Stephanie Newman-Smith

Ep 224: Best Books of the Year (So Far) with Yasmin Dunn and Stephanie Newman-Smith

We're halfway through 2024, which means it's time to take an inventory of the best books we've read in the last six months.

My real life book club joins me for a mid-year look at the literary landscape for the second year in a row. Regular guests Yasmin Dunn and Stephanie Newman-Smith are always a delight to have on the show.

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Ep 222: Stephen King Starter Kit Part II (What To Read + What To Skip)

Ep 222: Stephen King Starter Kit Part II (What To Read + What To Skip)

This episode is ONLY book recommendations. The original Stephen King Starter Kit episode has more of the author’s biography and why I think reading Stephen King matters. You do NOT need to listen to Part I to enjoy Part II.

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BONUS: Is Everyone Happier Than Me? (a conversation with author Sarah Bragg)

BONUS: Is Everyone Happier Than Me? (a conversation with author Sarah Bragg)

It's a question we've all asked ourselves at some point....Is everyone happier than me?

In this episode, author Sarah Bragg gives us 4 ways to be happier online (since that's such a huge contributing factor to this question).

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Ep 218: Best Books Lately (with author R. Eric Thomas)

Ep 218: Best Books Lately (with author R. Eric Thomas)

R. Eric Thomas and I discuss his new book Congratulations, The Best Is Over and also how he found his distinct writing voice. And then, of course, we each share a few of the best books we've read lately. We laugh, we fan out, and we talk about great books.

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Ep 212: 10 Questions For Every Room You're In (with Emily P. Freeman)

Ep 212: 10 Questions For Every Room You're In (with Emily P. Freeman)

Emily P. Freeman says, "Our whole life is like a house, and every commitment, community, role, and relationship is like a room." In this conversation, Emily and I continue her room metaphor and she asks 10 Questions from her book that we can use to discern our own sense of belonging, and our choices to stay or leave.

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Ep 209: Best Books Lately (with Sara Hildreth of Fiction Matters)

Ep 209: Best Books Lately (with Sara Hildreth of Fiction Matters)

This conversation starts with a thoughtful discussion about reviewing books on social media (#Bookstagram #BookTok) versus being a literary critic and Sara makes some excellent points about the way we talk about books online these days. And then Sara and I each share four of the best books we've read lately, including a novel I just finished that may be one of my favorites of all time.

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Ep 196: Symposium: Britney Spears's New Memoir

Ep 196: Symposium: Britney Spears's New Memoir

During our monthly Symposium meeting, the Secret Stuff community had smart, thoughtful, and compassionate takes on Britney Spears’s memoir itself and on Britney's place in music history and our pop culture lexicon.

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BONUS: 4 Rules For Sharing Your Story (Especially When It's Hard) with Carmen Rita Wong

BONUS: 4 Rules For Sharing Your Story (Especially When It's Hard) with Carmen Rita Wong

I love memoirs. I love hearing other people's stories in their own words. And, of course, I champion the idea to Share Your Stuff. 

But what if the story you need to tell is really difficult? What if it's hard to do justice to the truth while also protecting (or not protecting) other people? My guest for this conversation is author Carmen Rita Wong and she is sharing her own 4 rules to doing this well. 

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Ep 191: How BookTok and Gen Z Are Changing the Way We Read + Best Books Lately (with Alex Cash)

Ep 191: How BookTok and Gen Z Are Changing the Way We Read + Best Books Lately (with Alex Cash)

Where a 40-something aunt (me) chats with her 20-something niece (Alex) about what we're reading, where we get our book recommendations, and how the algorithm affects both of these things. 

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Ep 187: Book Bans: 5 Things A Librarian Wants You To Know

Ep 187: Book Bans: 5 Things A Librarian Wants You To Know

My life’s greatest passion is reading. Books are my lifeblood. And so you will not be surprised that I have been greatly alarmed by the rise of book bans in America in the last few years. The idea of banning books is so archaic to me, so outdated, so harmful, it’s as if we have learned NOTHING from history.

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BONUS: What Drives You with Kevin Miller

BONUS: What Drives You with Kevin Miller

One of the things I've been working on personally this summer is examining and resetting some of the systems in my life, mostly professionally related, but also personally. Kevin Miller’s book and this conversation came at the perfect time. Identifying what motivates you can be such a key to your success. 

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BONUS: Remaining You While Raising Them with Alli Worthington

BONUS: Remaining You While Raising Them with Alli Worthington

I met author Alli Worthington over a decade ago when we were both in the mommy blogging world, and I've long looked up to her as an entrepreneur and innovator in the online space. And while I was a mommy blogger back then who didn't write much about motherhood, Alli was creating conferences, writing books, and raising FIVE boys and a stepdaughter. 

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Ep 179: Best Books of 2023 (So Far) with Yasmin Dunn and Stephanie Newman-Smith

Ep 179: Best Books of 2023 (So Far) with Yasmin Dunn and Stephanie Newman-Smith

Instead of waiting for the end of the year to talk about our favorite books, my real life book club members Yasmin Dunn and Stephanie Newman-Smith and I decided we should have a mid-year meeting to discuss some of the great things we've read in this first half of 2023. 

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BONUS: Slow Growth Equals Strong Roots (a conversation with Mary Marantz)

BONUS: Slow Growth Equals Strong Roots (a conversation with Mary Marantz)

Mary Marantz and I talk about striving to be the most put together person in the room in the pursuit of perfection and acceptance, feeling like we need to prove that we deserve whatever success or opportunity we have, and how our little girl selves would be so happy with who we have become.

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