Ep. 154: 10 Things I Learned in 2022

The week between Christmas and New Years is one of my favorite parts of the year. I love the reflection, the final Best Of lists, the hope and excitement for the year ahead. 

In the past, I've called this final episode of the year "10 TAKEAWAYS from 20__" but as I was journaling through all that had happened in 2022, I realized that (for me) it was all about the lessons learned. 

From Covid wreaking havoc to writing my second book to welcoming two new members to our household, 2022 became a season of learning how to change. 

I hope that listening back to the lessons I took from the year inspires you to think about the biggest takeaways of YOUR 2022. 


MENTIONED in this episode:

jackass forever

Max the Dog Trainer

The Life Council (preorder!)