Ep 69: BONUS! 22+ Things our family watched in quarantine

Ep 69: BONUS! 22+ Things our family watched in quarantine

On roughly week 11 of the Los Angeles lockdown due to the coronavirus, I sat down with my husband Jeff and our two kids - ages 8 & 10 - for a lighthearted chat about all the movies, documentaries, and tv series we watched during quarantine since this season meant a LOT more screen time for our family than usual.

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Ep 59: Marry the person you could quarantine with (the Tremaines wave hello)

Ep 59: Marry the person you could quarantine with (the Tremaines wave hello)

This episode is for anyone needing a little light distraction.

The Tremaines are waving hello from week 3 of self-isolation to stop the spread of coronavirus. This episode ended up being an accidental model for the type of conversations you could be documenting in your life and family right now during this historic time.

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