Ep 125: 10 Questions for Couples

Ep 125: 10 Questions for Couples

The main point of these particular prompts is to build CONNECTION. The questions don't go too deep (in case you have a partner resistant to this type of conversation), but you should definitely come away from any discussion using these prompts feeling just a little bit closer.

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Ep 59: Marry the person you could quarantine with (the Tremaines wave hello)

Ep 59: Marry the person you could quarantine with (the Tremaines wave hello)

This episode is for anyone needing a little light distraction.

The Tremaines are waving hello from week 3 of self-isolation to stop the spread of coronavirus. This episode ended up being an accidental model for the type of conversations you could be documenting in your life and family right now during this historic time.

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Ep 8: Movie Director Jeff Tremaine has things to tell you

Ep 8: Movie Director Jeff Tremaine has things to tell you

This episode is a little different because instead of asking YOU to answer a question I pose, I’m asking my guest the questions. There are so many fascinating people out there with things to tell, every few months or so I’m hoping to have a guest. And who else to start with than my talented husband Jeff Tremaine.

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