Ep 30: Pay attention to what you skip

Ep 30: Pay attention to what you skip

This episode is for you if you're interested in general mindfulness for personal growth. 

The things we avoid are the things that can be teaching us something. I'm talking about the topics and people who give me a little twinge that I should pay attention to, both in real life and on social media.

Mentioned in this episode:

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

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Ep 29: What are your intentions?

Ep 29: What are your intentions?

This episode is for your if you’re curious about how setting intentions works.

If you’ve heard the phrase “setting intentions” and thought it was just a bunch of vague feel-good language, think again. In this episode, I’m sharing how setting intentions can lead to getting the most out of your day, your experiences, and your interactions with others.

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Ep 28: Motherhood through Adoption with Lindsay Lawler

Ep 28: Motherhood through Adoption with Lindsay Lawler

This episode is for you if you or a loved one has ever struggled through the fertility process, or if you’re interested in the topic of adoption.

I am so happy to share this conversation with one of my dearest friends, Lindsay Lawler. Lindsay and I have been like sisters for nearly two decades, from our freshman college dorm to living together throughout our 20’s in Los Angeles. Still, the topic of fertility and motherhood remained such a sensitive one that we didn’t talk about it much until Lindsay was already walking down the road towards adoption.

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Ep 27: Ask me anything

Ep 27: Ask me anything

After a little bit of a recording production snafu, I turned to listeners for what I thought would be a quick episode answering some of the most common questions I get on social media. But there were a LOT of questions to cover and I had many more words than I was anticipating, so here I present to you a super sized episode answering listener-submitted questions.

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Ep 24: 10 Kitchen Tools with author & food blogger Bri McKoy

Ep 24: 10 Kitchen Tools with author & food blogger Bri McKoy

I am so excited for this week’s episode with my friend Bri McKoy. At the beginning of the episode, I explain why I want to get back to some kitchen and cooking basics, and why Bri is exactly the person to help me do that.

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Ep 23: What are you measuring?

Ep 23: What are you measuring?

We’re all measuring something, but are we using the right metric? Are we measuring time or result? Are we measuring our waist or our health? We can measure our social media or our water intake, but if we’re not setting ourselves up for success, then we’ll fail emotionally every time.

In this episode, I’m musing over some measurements that caught me off guard, and how I’m shifting my perspective on some of the things I'm measuring.

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Ep 20: 10 Favorite Things (Right Now)

Ep 20: 10 Favorite Things (Right Now)

Nothing in this episode was sponsored or solicited. This is truly just me sharing what I’m into right now. However, some of these links are affiliate links, which means that if you click through and purchase something, it supports this show at no cost to you.

I have so many things that I want to recommend all the time, and this episode is just a brain dump of all the things I’m loving right now.

Here’s what I talked about this episode:

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Ep 19: What is your best trip? (Plus 10+ travel tips)

Ep 19: What is your best trip? (Plus 10+ travel tips)

What is the best trip you've ever taken? And what does "best" even mean? Was the best location, with the best people, was it simple or revelatory or both? 

This prompt is a great conversation starter. 

In this episode, I'm sharing some of my favorite trips of all time. And at the end of me rambling, there are 10+ travel tips sent in my listeners. That's the best part of the whole show!

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Ep 17: Revisiting Flowers in the Attic with Meg Tietz

Ep 17: Revisiting Flowers in the Attic with Meg Tietz

Flowers in the Attic was published in 1979 and has become somewhat of a cult classic novel, especially for women of a certain age who passed it among friends.

My dear friend Meg Tietz suggest that we revisit Flowers in the Attic by VC Andrews, and we were both really surprised by what we found between the pages of this book.

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Ep 14: Skincare & makeup favorites with Jamie Golden

Ep 14: Skincare & makeup favorites with Jamie Golden

This episode is a TREAT! My friend and fellow podcaster Jamie Golden is giving us a skin care education. (And it turns out I really needed one.) She teaches us all about serums and vitamins and scrubs and I jump in and share my current favorite beauty obsessions, everything from a hair tool to lipstick to my holy grail moisturizer.

Every product Jamie and I discuss is listed below!

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Ep 13: Who do you tell?

Ep 13: Who do you tell?

Today’s topic - like many of these prompts - will either give you a buzz of excitement or a lump in your throat. I am aware that lots of things that we talk about on this show can fall either way. You can’t WAIT to talk about it, or you don’t ever press play because the title alone gives you some feelings you’d rather avoid. Today is one of those, I think, and believe when I say that I’ve been on both sides of this one. 

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